Date & Time: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 4:11 AM
eyloww !
lonq tyme new type new post . haishh !
busyy lahh .
last sat watched chomot played kude at hqq .
qerek ! bud seram luh .
jaja paitao ! rbk xak ! yeye nk dtq chk2 taq .
haishh .
best friendd !!
sedihh lahh .
he no lonqer minee dear fwen . faz ! =(
sedih qyler luhh xakk ! haishh !
nobdy knoe im hurt badly ! accept fer zul ttm + classmate dqn teddy biee !
onlyy dwe luhh yq tao hoow ii feel .
haiyaa ! never asked to be hurt tis teruk !
did ii do anythinq bad ?
arhh ! stresss !
whye ouh whye ??
Labels: whyee ?
Date & Time: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:00 AM
eylow2 !
days havent been qreat to me .
makin lame makin stress lahh . =(
aiyoo !
sedihh lahh ..
i quess i have already lose a friend once and fer all !
& that ish mus , .
we soo called tknk bbl wip each other ..
misunderstandinq uhr . =(
Labels: friendship ends
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:27 AM
eylow !
today fall sick in the morninq and penat gile !
tell teddy bby dont wanna myt .
he sounded very sedih & dissapointed qitu .
sayanq nyer psl ii myt him la .
text ira , suroh teman qo tamp lpk .
she aqree on it . mandi around 1+ ..
qet ready to qo out while tqh sakit2 .
hmm .. takee 187 meet ira , teddy bby && faez at cwp .
then , naik 168 qo tamp .. amek shawal patt bustop ..
daw sampai tamp sakit pon hilanq . lol !
tomorrow ,
faizal nyer bday . palat invite teddybby && me .
not sure of qoinq . bby wanted me to qo . but start lambat and abis lqk lmbt . limit2 drq ton .
i cant the day after tomorrow qot campinq , must be in sch by 10am .
haishh . lazy naq qy lahh .. cann ii cabot ??
wanna spent tyme wip teddy pon taqley . wahhduhh !
fer 3 days cnt jumpe or even call hym !
wahhduhh !! stresss !! sayanqq teddy !
qonna miss hym ! but he say naq amek dari sklh ..
cnt wait ! problem dont knoee whadd tymee ..
im qonna missh youu b !
Labels: imy
Date & Time: Friday, March 12, 2010 8:21 PM
hey .
feel so weak today . after whad has happened yesterday .
many2 thinqs past just like that .
haishh . sweet memories have already bcome a past of mine life .
the hurt have already make me realise how stronq i am today .
the fakee promise they make , seriously make mi hate them !!
To him ,
Im very sedih to dqr you att .
hmm .. we sharee alot of sweet thinqs toqether .
rite ? haishh .. youu know mine luar dan dlm .
we was abt to be toqether . bud i was wronq . i made youu waited fer mine answer .
while we both are waitinq . and im thinkinq . you have made a promise sayinq that youu
will call me everyday without fail .
tapy itu smua janji2 yanq youu tidak pernah uat .
honestly im sedih . but nothinq that i can do to stop you from anythinq .
its yr happiness . not mine . ii dont blame you for not callinq me .
like whad mine fwens used to tell mi . the choice is with you to choose it once and for all .
&& i caye youu have decided . its her . not me .
perfect choice ! =)
hope youu read its && know who am i referinq to .. * mine piq pakcik *
takeecaree ! hopee youu last lonq wip the new qirl in yr life . lovee youuh ~ !
teddy darls ! lol !
ilym ! we may fiqht rite ?
bud just inqt . ily teddy !
hehes ..all our friends is countinq on us !
ily !
Labels: ily ~
Date & Time: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 12:55 AM
tooo , fazli , musli , jep , irah , hidir , ramidah , aishah , shawal && sry !
you all did a qreat job today !! =)
nini always love youu ppl !
hmm . all the ppl ynq aderh at pondok tadi . i wanna say sowiee ,
cus i know iskandar did somthinq wronq . hmm .
Labels: mine kwn
Date & Time: Saturday, March 6, 2010 7:02 PM
tis little lady above name syahirah , we called her erah . =)
cute kan dwe . hehes , eversince i step in northliqht she is the one who will just watch me .
am really thankful that she around . =)
thnx erah . nini love youu many3 !
and tis 2 boys above . havee been a wonderful friend !
i lovee all of them ! hehes .
Labels: loves
Date & Time: Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:20 AM
eylow ,
haishh .. today , veryvery pnt . qo sch paqy ptq qot sports heat . at tamp stadium ,
wahhduhh ! afternoon fiqht wip teddy . he irrits ! think daw lamer he belaja untk hurt mine heart ,
penipu ! haix ! sedihh sak . i qyve mine trust pat dwe . ended up lidat .
daw biase . hmm . just now at stadium , qot qadoh .
omar nott happy wip farhan , when farhan naq settle dwe ckp paiseh slh orq uhr . padehal eka yq blq .
stupid eka . uker nahh make stories . && tadii aishah dqn mummy ku * edah* qadoh wip shamira sis ,
cus of mulot . edah wahh , nvr wnt 2 c her marah . mcm lion . && ira daw brk dqn mus ! =(
psl sry . =(
hehes , . too , azman , hairi , jep , palat , fazli , edah , aishah && fifi ..
well done lahh krq !
proud beb ! =)
too , teddy , thnx ! taq prnh terpikir you like dht . =(
pentinq kan qawan !
Labels: haishh
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 3:10 AM
readers , im bored lah . .
today nothinq much happpen lah .
as per normal wake up same time .
only just now never qo school wip ira .
teddy dear malas nak come school .. haish .
one whole day in school layan farhan , irfan && zul .
eka dont wanna layan me cus ira && farhan call her doq .
attitude ! afterschool teddy dear amek me & farhan dari school .
hehs ..
qo old school afterschool .
meet ex bf . cute ! =)
drop that .
farhan bday cominq very soon ..
tis friday be prepared teman ku !
hehs ,,
donee lah .
Labels: loves
Date & Time: Monday, March 1, 2010 5:01 AM
readers !
hmm .. lucky today no qadoh ..
man thnx eyh .. youu qyve in 2 mine bby &&
forqyve muslih !
hmm ..
nari .. like normal weekdays .. wake at 5.15 mandi all ..
leave house at 6.00 lili pendk aka ira .. at juronq inter ,
very penat today .
haishh ..
today .. eka attitude lahh shey .
she terase dhat lili called her doq .
lol !meypek lahh dwe !
hmm ..
kesian nqk eka .. tunqqu kan boon kit ..
its lyke dat boy muat pakai dwe ajer ! hmmft !
farhan still willinq 2 wiat fer eka fall inlovee wip hym ..
dont knoee whad 2 say lah .
Labels: for eka